DIY Repair Guides

If you don't want to wait for the next Repair Café you can, of course, tackle the repair yourself.

For some items you might find a service manual is available.  This applies to major appliances and complicated things like radios, laptops etc.  But a service manual is written for a professional engineer and most people need a bit more hand-holding.

We've identified a few starting places on Internet that you might find helpful.

Primark - some videos of basic sewing skills.  Announcements of self-repair workshops.

IFIXIT - repair guides for many items

YOUTUBE - Lots of repair videos.  Type the name of your item and add the word 'repair' or 'teardown' or 'dismantle' to target the kind of video you are seeking.  Youtube has so many videos, it can be hard to find just what you want.

Repair Café (Official website)
Plenty of repair guides written by members of other repair café's